

Your generous giving will help HOC share the Good News of salvation and touch the lives of many more homeless and needy people

You can Donate to HOC via PayPal: 

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You can donate by paying to HOC account:

(Name: HEART OF CHRIST, Sort Code: 30-98-97, Account #: 55713560)

Enter the amount you
would like to donate:
Girl in a jacket

Anniversary Giving:
Celebrate your birthday or other anniversary by giving to HOC to support the needy & homeless. Honour God for his blessing in your life by showing kindness to those that are dear to his heart (Proverbs 14:31, Proverbs 19:17)

We share the Good News of salvation in Christ Jesus by providing free gospel materials to anyone who require gospel resources to witness for Christ.


We are happy to connect and partner with you to advance the kingdom of God